Jumpstart Programs
3-Years Old
Mon / Wed / Fri
Tues / Thurs
From 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Program Information:
The Jump Start on Development Program is for students ages 3 & 4. In accordance with the Orchard Park School District students must turn 3 years of age by December 1st of the current school year.
Both the Jump Start on Development and Pre-K programs introduce school readiness activities for students through a multi-sensory and intellectual curriculum. Both programs have a natural balance of free play, teacher guided group activity, and our (distinctive) structured theme activity.
Specifically, the Jump Start on Development program is designed to provide our youngest learners with the foundation they will need as they begin their academic journey. The curriculum is a progressive one which meets age appropriate challenges as the children mature and are ready for more involved learning opportunities. Nurturing and experienced teachers engage students in playful, hands-on activities to promote growth and development in the following areas:
Language arts activities are explored by listening to and creating stories, cooking from recipies, and literature connection activities. Science and math activities are introduced through simple experiments, exploring the seasons, the environment, and oneself, and creating sensory,textual projects.
Fine Motor/Pre-Handwriting
Child centered art activities allow for self expression and fine motor skill development. FOUNDATIONS is proud to use the award winning and child friendly handwriting program “Handrwriting Without Tears”. Body awareness, good habits, grip, coloring, drawing, and beginning handwriting skills are all taught using music, movement, and multi-sensory manipulatives.
Gross Motor/Sensory Motor
Gross/sensory motor skills are such an integral part of development that they are intertwined in EVERYTHING we do. Dramatic play and fun songs promote motor planning, strengthening, ball skills, and body awareness. Students participate in group auditory perception games and physical activities.
Social Emotional/Classroom Community
Building a positive self-esteem is a priority of the Foundations curriculum. Cultural/themed dramatic play centers foster cooperative and imaginative play. Social studies and community fieldtrips encourage working together and respect for oneself, others, and the community and world we live in. Children are exposed to music ,movement, and art as part of structured theme activities and free play.
* Please note that all FOUNDATIONS’ programs are carried out in a unique and integrative fashion. Please call to find out more information and to set up your personal tour and orientation.